Email – Remove tags from Mailchimp export
  • 20 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Email – Remove tags from Mailchimp export

  • Dark

Article summary

Using the regular expression (RegEx) function in your HTML editor, you can quickly and easily remove tags from your Mailchimp exports.

Here's how it works:

  1. Open your Mailchimp export in an HTML editor
  2. Click on the Find All tool and paste this Mailchimp tag into the Find field: \*\|.*\|\* (This regex looks for occurrences of "*|<any_text>|*")
  3. Turn on the RegEx function to find all the instances of the Mailchimp tags
  4. Leave the Replace field blank and click the Replace All button

You can follow the same steps for any tags or scripts you want to remove from your email exports.