The yearly calendar for the new age
  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

The yearly calendar for the new age

  • Dark

Article summary

Getting the item you wanted for a reduced price? Yes, please! 

This is great, of course, but sometimes, different brands overwhelm their existing and potential customers with too many sale days, promotions, etc. 

This is precisely where planning and strategy come to place: creating a well-balanced sales plan that is also important for building trust with our users and clients.   

Doing it right

The world calendar is full of events. There is a special day every day.

In this view, planning and strategizing are about understanding our audience type (personas), wishes, and needs. 

Use this fantastic source of “special days” to fit it to your client/user base, mark your calendar and make sure not to over-use these promotions days. 

Plan a quarterly main sale event and wrap it with minor offerings. 

For example:

  • Easter
  • Independence day
  • Back to school
  • Black Friday/Cyber Monday
  • Xmas/New years eve 

The bonus?! 

With the data you gathered using a real User Engagement platform, you can fit calendars to specific users and situations, such as reminding users who have heaters at home that "Winter is coming" or printer users that Mother's day is a great time for a custom card.

Another part of this approach is multilayering - Instead of selling on Black Friday, selling on Thanksgiving, and then selling again on Christmas, send out communications that promote Features and Usage, and then hit them with an offer they can't refuse later on.

Aligning your calendar also allows you to prepare everything ahead of time (coupon codes, listing preps, campaigns, logistics, etc.) and just publish it as planned and with ease. 

Notes & ideas

  • Designate a special day of your own and let everybody wait on you (Amazon prime day, clearance day, etc.).
  • Make sure the discount is significant - gain trust and organic shares.
  • Consult with your CSM for planning and execution.