Introduction to Campaigns and KPIs
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Introduction to Campaigns and KPIs

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Article summary

When it comes to driving user engagement, in-app and email campaigns are the biggest tools at your disposal.

Let's look at how campaigns work in Click the Campaigns tab in the menu on the left to get started.

Get an overview of all your campaigns in one place

As soon as you hit the Campaigns button, you'll see an overview of all your live campaigns, including:

  • Campaigns – the total number of campaigns in your system
  • Audience – everyone who was sent your emails or could have seen your In-App Messages if they opened the app and hit the trigger
  • Impressions – the combined number of email opens andIn-Apps that were displayed
  • Interactions – the total number of clicks from all your campaigns
  • Average CTR (%) – the average clickthrough rate across all your campaigns based on email sent and In-Apps displayed

If you don't have any campaigns yet, you can click "Create Campaign" in the top right to get started.

See a breakdown of each campaign's performance

Below your campaign overview, you'll see a table with a full breakdown of each campaign's performance.

This includes the following information for each campaign:

  • Name of your campaign
  • Date it was last updated
  • Status – active, draft, or paused
  • Category – CX, onboarding, sales, etc.
  • Sub Category – ramp-up, feature adoption, NPS, etc.
  • Type – in-app, email, or both
  • Audience size
  • Impressions
  • Interactions
  • CTR (%)

You can filter this table by any of the criteria listed above (for example, feature adoption). Then you can export a CSV to bring your data into Excel or Sheets.

When you hover over the (i) icon on the right-side of each row, you'll see a few additional metrics:

  • Bounced – the number of times this campaign failed to send
  • Complained – the number of complaints received about this campaign
  • Unsubscribed – the number of users who unsubscribed because of this campaign

Track user activity

When you set up an onboarding or feature adoption campaign, you can set a specific feature as the KPI for your campaign.

Then, when you sort by Sub Category, you'll see a total for this metric at the top of your screen.

This makes it easy to go beyond impressions and interactions to measure the true impact of your campaigns.