How to validate the data is right in
  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

How to validate the data is right in

  • Dark

Article summary

 After testing the app with your user, here is how you can view the direct data:

  • When you go into the system, navigate to “Users & Devices” -> "Support"
  • Here you can find a user via email/name, or the device by searching the exact device ID. 
  • In a user screen, you can see the following:
    1. Information tags such as activity or GDPR consent status.
    2. Basic data arriving from the app events system.
    3. Associated devices - click on them to view more device information.
    4. All events, searchable by dates, to review the exact events you have sent

    Seeing user

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