How to create an in-app message that shows on first use
  • 29 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to create an in-app message that shows on first use

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Article summary

When a user first starts using your app, you have a critical 13-minute window to get them onboarded successfully. If they fail to complete onboarding in that time, there's a high chance they'll return the product and leave a bad review.

With that in mind, you need to create all the necessary In-App Messages to help them overcome any technical issues in real-time. Then you need to set them live with the right triggers so that they'll appear in the user's very first session if needed.

Let's look at an example. Imagine you want to set up an In-App Message to appear when any user connects to a 5 GHz network instead of 2.4 GHz.

Here's how you do it in

  1. Go to the Campaigns page in the menu on the left
  2. Click Create Campaign in the top-right corner
  3. Rename the campaign to "2.4 Ghz WiFi issue"
  4. Set the Category to "Onboarding" and the Sub Category to "Technical Failure"
  5. Click "Create Audience" and select "All users"
  6. Click "In-App" and design your message
  7. Set the Trigger for the corresponding event – for example: "5ghz_wifi_connected"

Why setting the right trigger is so important

When creating an in-app message for technical onboarding, you need to set the audience as "All users". This is to make sure that anyone who experiences the issue receives the message, not just a certain type of user.

Now, if you were to simply set the trigger as "Active" for this audience, every single user would receive your In-App Message – even loyalists who have no problems whatsoever.

By setting the right trigger event, you can be confident that your In-App Message will only send to the users who need it.