What is a user journey and why does it matter?
  • 01 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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What is a user journey and why does it matter?

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Article summary

A user journey is the entire experience a user goes through with your product and brand.

It starts from the day they first open your app and runs right up until the day they churn. (Or a little bit after if you want to try and win them back.)

Most companies use tools like Lucidchart or Miro to build a flowchart of their user journey, with different pathways for different segments.

With Copilot.cx, you get dynamic control of what that journey looks like and what this means to your customers.

The user journey is the key to customer satisfaction

Designing a user journey is an essential step towards creating a positive and satisfying customer experience.

The idea here is to guide your users from a place of possible unhappiness to a point of satisfaction and maximum utilization.

Here are a few steps you could have in your user journey:

  1. Help the user overcome a connectivity issue during onboarding
  2. Guide them towards the feature that lets them experience the most value first
  3. Introduce additional features and benefits at the right times to ramp up their usage

From there, you can deliver campaigns to encourage users to leave a review, buy more products, and promote your brand through referrals.

Start with the main user pathway

The main path of your user journey is effectively a line running from onboarding, through satisfaction, all the way to possible churn.

Here are a few questions you'll want to ask while creating this pathway:

  • When will users be accustomed to the product and using it consistently?
  • When is the best point for users to rate or leave a review?
  • When would be a good time to think about replenishment purchases, upselling, or cross-sales?

These questions can help you estimate, verify, and express what it should feel like to use your product. As part of this process, you should also benchmark data to understand the possible improvements and optimizations you can make.

Once you've got a complete user journey, you can break it down into manageable sequences that cover all the various categories of user engagement that you can improve with Copilot.cx.