Strategies – How to ramp up new user subscriptions
  • 24 Apr 2023
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Strategies – How to ramp up new user subscriptions

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Article summary

Increasing subscriptions is all about creating the shortest sales loop possible while communicating with the right users at just the right time.

To get started, take a look at our ratings best practices. Then build a sequence that not only relies on the user being happy but also primes them for the best and most exact point of conversion.

Create a pathway to value

At, we talk a lot about "breadcrumbing". This is the process of identifying the best possible pathway to grow your subscribers based on your app, user, or device behavior.

For example, when digging into the data, you may find that users with a certain device model are most likely to subscribe. Or hitting your freemium model's storage limit could be the main trigger.

Once you know what triggers users to become subscribers, you can deliver campaigns at exactly the right points in their user journey.

Target the entire funnel

When choosing who to target for your subscription model, don't just think about your existing users. Prospects are important here too.

Think about every part of the funnel where your subscription can add even more value to your communications, then take the time to shout about it.

Some parts of the funnel are very exact in the issue or need they're addressing. So when you get the messaging right, this approach can be worth tens of thousands a month.

Follow best practices to close more deals

A successful subscription relies on getting lots of different elements right. So it's important to read as much as you can and follow best practices if you want to see great results.

Here are a few tips to help you out:

  1. Use deep links to send users directly to the subscription page
  2. Read about the length of the funnel and why it's important
  3. Create a sense of urgency in your campaigns