Accessories – Strategies
  • 08 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Accessories – Strategies

  • Dark

Article summary

Accessory sales lie at the midway point between follow-up device sales and replenishment sales, so you should plan your user journey accordingly.

Just like device sales, it's all about identifying your users' problems and offering accessories that solve them.

And by sending your campaigns at just the right times, you can turn accessory sales into an offer they can't refuse.

Find the right personas for your accessories

When planning your accessory campaigns, you need to be honest with yourself: not everyone is going to want every accessory you offer.

So your first job is to identify the right persona for each of your accessories. There are two main filters to help you achieve this:

  1. By device model – create a segment of users who have the right device model and qualify for your accessory from a technical point of view
  2. By user behavior – create more specific segments based on things like feature adoption and frequency

This segmentation approach can be helpful before launching your campaigns, but it's also be useful for optimizing them over time.

Find the right time for accessory sales

There are two main approaches you can take here:

  • Selling accessories to brand new users – this gives you an opportunity to improve their experience from the beginning with a one-time purchase
  • Selling accessories to adopted users – this lets you offer extra value to users who are already satisfied with your product

These options work differently for different products, so it's all about A/B testing to find what works for you.

From there, you should look for moments in the user journey where you're more likely to make a sale. For example, if a user runs out of battery often, you've probably got a good chance of selling them an additional battery as an accessory.

By identifying the right time for your communications, you can create a sense of urgency to increase both your CTR and post-click conversions.